
Live Well Zone | Germaine S.

I'm an integrative nutrition health coach, yoga teacher and all-around geek who helps women balance their hormones (without the usual guesswork, frustration or hustle energy!). If this resonates with you, then I invite you to subscribe below and get immediate access to my 5-day, Hormone Balance Essentials mini-course.

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What supplements brands don't tell you

Hey there! Yesterday I received a comment from someone who was frustrated over the fact that she was "taking just about every supplement on the shelf" and she spends "hundreds of dollars every month trying to be symptom free. But I fail miserably." Unfortunately, her experience is very common. And I wanted to share a couple of thoughts with you because you've probably experienced something similar. The biggest mistake when it comes to supplements is thinking that they are actually a source of...

Hey there! As you step into this weekend, I want to invite you to put some distance between you and whatever label/diagnosis you might be identifying with. What I mean is, if you've done a test that shows you have estrogen dominance, PCOS, elevated cortisol... Or you're now in peri-menopause or post menopause and you're feeling all the dread that comes with that... Put some distance between you and those labels because labels have a lot of power and energy to them. At the collective and...

stainless steel fork and knife on white ceramic plate

Hey there Reader! One of the questions/comments I often get goes something like this: eating healthy and buying supplements is so expensive. What can I do? If you've been pondering the same thing, then this email is for you. I'm going to break down how I would go about balancing my hormones if I was working with a very tight budget. STEP 1: Forget about supplements This may come as a shock, but for many people, supplements are NOT a must. Supplements are an add-on and yes, they're great for...

a pile of green beans sitting next to each other

Hey Reader! The basic premise for my work - and how I personally eat - is that we are spiritual beings having a human experience. And as humans, we've been given everything that is necessary to create and sustain life. So, with that personal philosophy I always say just enjoy nature's food (of course, keep your wits about you and stay away from poisonous mushrooms and similar type things :) ). And when it comes to real food there's one that I don't demonize: soy. Soy is the "health food" that...