
Live Well Zone | Germaine S.

Simplify to amplify

Published 12 months ago • 3 min read

Hi Reader!

Several weeks ago I was listening to this beautiful conversation between Marie Forleo and Matthew McConaughey...

Marie mentioned that one of her life mantras is "simplify to amplify."

That resonated with me so much because whether it's in my health, business, relationships...anything...I've noticed that simplicity always produces the best - and lasting - results.

Anytime I've tried something that was too complex, it left me drained and feeling like I wasn't honoring my true self.

Now, the funny thing is that one person's "simple" is another person's "complex" 😊

Anyway, Marie's mantra inspired me to think about simplicity and what that could look like specifically for your health.

So here are some thoughts for you to chew on...

Meet and honor your body where it is

Instead of drinking coffee when you feel tired, how about finding ways to do less, slow down or fully rest?

Or how about doing yin yoga or Qi-Gong on the days when you're low on energy (rather than feeling like you must "workout")?

Meeting your body where it is means you actually cultivate more trust and connection with yourself.


Ditch food tracking

If you've adopted the habit of counting calories or carbs, what would happen if you just stopped?

How much lighter and blissful would mealtime be?

Would you feel more freedom and liberation when it comes to food?

Would you breathe a sigh of relief?

Cut back on supplements

I've noticed that whenever I talk to someone who takes more than 2 or 3 supplements a day, they feel overwhelmed.

And they're usually not seeing any improvements as a result of taking more supps (which adds to their frustration, overwhelm and hopelessness - I've been there myself and know these emotions all too well).

If you're in the same boat, what would happen if you just cut back?

Would your stress levels drop? Less stress is always a good thing 😊

Use backyard remedies

If you have a backyard, you might actually have weeds like dandelion, stinging nettle leaf and wild lettuce growing right now.

Why not use them to make your herbal tea or add to some cooked dishes?

Healing doesn't just have to come in a fancy bottle with all sorts of flashy branding.

Take a digital pause

Do you hop on social media or email first thing in the morning?

What kind of vibe or mood does that create for you first thing in the morning?

If it's not a good vibe, then consider dedicating the first hour or two of your day to just you (or just you and kiddos).

Maybe that means sitting by a window or on your patio and drinking whatever you start your day with.

Maybe that means taking a 20 minute walk first thing in the morning when the birds are still chirping and that morning dew is fresh.

Just take the time to "be."

And if you have kids, could they join you in these activities?

That might also be an opportunity for them to learn about the importance of self care.

Less skin care chaos

Take a look at your skin care products?

Are they all really necessary?

Just like with supplements, we've been taught that beautiful skin comes from topical products.

But deep down, many of us know that beauty comes from so much more than that (plus how many times have you bought a miracle product and been disappointed by its results?).

What if you decided to just eat more whole foods?

Not only is it better for your hormones, but it's better for your skin (remember that your skin gets its nourishment from the blood that flows through your body).

And less skin care products can be better for your hormones since we ladies are exposed to waaaaay more toxins on a daily basis (a lot of it coming from cosmetics).

Imagine how much simpler your life would be if you just had a:

  • good cleanser.
  • quality oil like rosehip oil. I love oils because they have nutrients and it's literally food for your skin.
  • good clay mask (like a gentle kaolin clay...packed with minerals...also food for your skin!).

Those are just a few ways of how I imagine "simplicity."

I'm curious to hear your thoughts on this topic.

What could you simplify to actually amplify your results?

Feel free to hit REPLY and let me know. I'd genuinely love to hear your thoughts.

Have a lovely Sunday and talk soon!

Germaine Satia - Certified Health Coach, CYT-200

Live Well Zone | Germaine S.

I'm a health coach, yoga teacher and global citizen who loves to simplify hormone balance for women in midlife. Feel free to check out some of my most recent emails below. If they resonate with you, you can subscribe to receive updates to support you on your health journey!

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